Portland Spaces Unveiling and Launch Party

January 13, 2008 at 4:11 am | Posted in Culture | 2 Comments
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The Portland Spaces launch party on Thursday night was out in a big warehouse in the industrial area of NW Portland. We arrived around 7:30 and the place was packed! The floor was covered in sod and the decor was like a summer garden party, an interesting juxtaposition to the cement walls and exposed beams.  The sod made the air very humid, but being a native Oregonian, I much prefer that to dry air.  It gave us a chance to feel transported to another place in a warmer season and escape the cold rain for a while. We eventually succeeded at making our way through the crowd and over to the bar for some deliciously refreshing blood orange drops.  And after a while of wandering around, we started running into friends and acquaintances.  That’s one thing I love about Portland — in a room full of strangers at any given event you’re bound to come across a friend or two.  There were some speeches and the unveiling of the magazine cover (shown above).  We each got a copy of the magazine, which I promptly started reading upon my return home.  It was a fun evening!  I look forward to seeing future issues of the magazine, as well as the website, which is set to launch on Monday.


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